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Showing posts from October, 2023

Walking With Purpose

According to an anonymous source (because they were unauthorized to speak about the event), the beneficiary of Gait-to-Gate month will be St. Jude Children's Research Hospital . The more we walk, the more a certain organization will donate.  This will be a national event to see which Trilogy community can raise the most money.  Details of the financial arrangements will be provided in an upcoming press release.  In the meantime, find your walking shoes and get prepared to have fun, connect with your community, and  WALK WITH A PURPOSE!

So you walked three miles ...

 What's next? The Palm Desert Half Marathon and 5k  is February 18, 2024. There is a fee for this event but you get a cool finisher's metal, an official race t-shirt, post-race snacks, a racing bib with official chip timing, and one free beer at the beer garden. So, there's all that. Plus, Mackie and I will both be there. We would love to see you there! What a better way to kick off your Half Marathon training than with the 2023 Turkey Trot at Trilogy? Yippee!